The History of MonumentPro

For nearly a generation and up into the mid to late 1990’s it seems like the memorial industry had stood still. The products and services from one company to the next were not noticeably different. Storefronts, if any were combined with sandblast shops and companies built up huge inventories of standard shapes and colors. Families bought from the display yard and while there was plenty of inventory there were not a lot of choices.

About ten years ago our industry began to change and the changes came rapidly and from many fronts. Approximately 50% of the products now sold are imported, more funeral homes and cemeteries are entering the business and quarries are setting up sandblast facilities to support a growing number of upscale retail storefronts that specialize in personalization and professional services. Add in the seemingly unlimited number of internet based retailers selling monuments and you have a totally different business landscape than before.

Our Mission Statement: MonumentPro, Inc. offers professional products, services and expert solutions to help make the selection of a cemetery memorial a more positive experience for the business owner, the memorialist, the manufacturer and the customer.

We accomplish this in part by partnering with retailers, manufacturers and supporting companies that know the memorial industry and share our goals of raising the level of professionalism in the industry, making it easier for retailers and manufacturers to communicate on each project and to simplify and improve the sales presentation for our families.

Both MonuVision and our Memorial IdeaBook are great examples of products that accomplish our goals and directives. Their ease of use helps memorialists as well as manufacturers, and customers love them. These products truly make the selection of a memorial a more positive experience for everyone.

We look forward to helping our colleagues and our customers with all of their memorial needs.